Electrophysics: (Electrophysics) An electrophysical engineer designs complex devices used in most modern electronics based on the principles of basic physics. detectors, microwaves, particle beams, nanotechnology, magnetism, and electromagnetic phenomena for all wavelengths from x-rays to radio waves.[10]
The nature of the work of electrical engineers
The nature of the work of electrical engineers is characterized by its great diversity, as it includes work on various projects such as computers, robots, mobile phones, cards, radars, navigation systems, wires, lighting in buildings, and other types of electrical systems; Where electrical engineers develop and maintain systems by using computer-aided design (CAD) systems to draw diagrams and electrical circuits, in addition to using computers to simulate how electrical devices and systems work. , and many others. [14][15]
The wide nature of the work of electrical engineers allows for multiple jobs in many industrial fields, such as: aerospace, automotive, chemicals, construction, defense, electronics, consumer goods, marine, materials and minerals, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, power generation, railways, communications, utilities, He can also work in companies, non-profit organizations, or government agencies, and an electrical engineer can hold administrative positions, work as a specialist professor, or in the field of patents, or join the financial sector.[14]
Skills that can be acquired when studying electrical engineering
The electrical engineer acquires many skills during his studies, and develops them during his work in addition to acquiring new skills, and the most important of these skills are design skills, problem-solving skills, and assessing the risks involved in a project. At the level of social skills, electrical engineers acquire communication skills, and the arts of dealing With others, teamwork skills, and leadership skills. On the personal level, engineers learn how to manage their time and resources effectively, in addition to some organizational skills.[16]
Encouraging reasons to study electrical engineering
The following are the most prominent reasons that encourage studying the electrical engineering major: [17] Increased demand: The demand for specialists in the field of electrical engineering has increased recently due to the continuous and rapid expansion in the field of technologies in the modern era, which facilitated the process of obtaining a job in this field. after graduation. Global opportunities: Electrical engineering offers many opportunities at the global and local levels, and working in some of them requires the opportunity to move and travel around the world. Relying on personal skills: The electrical engineer can fix and develop equipment problems, thanks to the skills and information that allow him to understand the nature of the work of these devices. An interesting study: Electrical engineering is one of the disciplines suitable for people who love to test and assemble tools, materials, and equipment. Working in the field of electrical engineering involves innovation most of the time, by assembling pieces together to always get something new. The forefront of future technologies: Thanks to the continuous development of technology, electrical engineering is placed at the forefront of future disciplines, which work to introduce technology in the robotics industry, transportation, construction, and health care.
The most important scientists in the field of electrical engineering are among the most important scientists who studied electrical phenomena in the past after those phenomena drew their attention since the seventeenth century: [1] Ludwig Wilhelm Gilbert. George Simon Ohm. Hans Christian Orsted. Andre-Marie Ampere. Alessandro Volta. Joseph Henry. Michael Faraday. Electrical engineering emerged as an independent discipline in 1864 AD, after the basic laws of electricity were laid down by the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell with mathematical formulas, and he also showed that electromagnetic energy rays travel through space at a speed similar to the speed of light. [1]
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