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Friday, May 10, 2024

on video Automatic fan on off Temperature sensor | Showrob Electronics Project

Automatic fan on off Temperature sensor | Showrob Electronics Project

This is a project on an automatic fan which changes its speed with change in temperature. The temperature of the room is displayed on the LCD.

It is a cheap, fun and easy project to do.

Working: This project uses IC UA741 as a sensor for detecting accurate centigrade temperature. The output voltage of this sensor is linearly proportional to the Celsius (Centigrade) temperature. This sensor uses the fact that, as temperature increases, the voltage across a diode increases at a known rate.


Motor(with fan)-1

16,2 lcd display-1. (I have used a development board)

L293d(motor driver)-1(I have used a development board)

Bread board-1

LM 35 (temperature sensor)-1

Card board or any platform

Few jumper wires



- computer with Arduino software

- cable to connect Arduino to computer

Connecting the LCD display to Arduino

-RW to ground

-RS to 12

- Enable to 11

- D7 to 2

- D6 to 3

- D5 to 4

- D4 to 5

- wiper to VO

- pin A of potentiometer to ground

- pin B of potentiometer to Vcc

Connecting l293D to Arduino

- Pin 1 of l293D to enable (5v)

- pin 2 of l293D to pin 7 Arduino

- pin 3 of l 293D to pin motor

- pin 6 of l293D to pin motor

- pin 4 of l293D to ground

- pin 7 of l293D to pin 8 Arduino

- pin 8 of l293D to 5v

- pin 16 of l293D to 5v

Connecting LM35 to Arduino

- Vcc (1st pin) to 5v

- Output (2nd pin) to Ao of Arduino

-Ground(3rd pin) to ground

(You can also use a development board with combined lcd and motor driver)

Connect the motors to pin 3 and 6 of l293D


Automatic fan on off Temperature sensor | Showrob Electronics Project

This is a project on an automatic fan which changes its speed with change in temperature. The temperature of the room is displayed on the LCD.

It is a cheap, fun and easy project to do.

Working: This project uses IC UA741 as a sensor for detecting accurate centigrade temperature. The output voltage of this sensor is linearly proportional to the Celsius (Centigrade) temperature. This sensor uses the fact that, as temperature increases, the voltage across a diode increases at a known rate.


Motor(with fan)-1

16,2 lcd display-1. (I have used a development board)

L293d(motor driver)-1(I have used a development board)

Bread board-1

LM 35 (temperature sensor)-1

Card board or any platform

Few jumper wires



- computer with Arduino software

- cable to connect Arduino to computer

Connecting the LCD display to Arduino

-RW to ground

-RS to 12

- Enable to 11

- D7 to 2

- D6 to 3

- D5 to 4

- D4 to 5

- wiper to VO

- pin A of potentiometer to ground

- pin B of potentiometer to Vcc

Connecting l293D to Arduino

- Pin 1 of l293D to enable (5v)

- pin 2 of l293D to pin 7 Arduino

- pin 3 of l 293D to pin motor

- pin 6 of l293D to pin motor

- pin 4 of l293D to ground

- pin 7 of l293D to pin 8 Arduino

- pin 8 of l293D to 5v

- pin 16 of l293D to 5v

Connecting LM35 to Arduino

- Vcc (1st pin) to 5v

- Output (2nd pin) to Ao of Arduino

-Ground(3rd pin) to ground

(You can also use a development board with combined lcd and motor driver)

Connect the motors to pin 3 and 6 of l293D


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