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Tuesday, January 23, 2024

What is this Schottky diode? Comment this way? Où utiliser?

 What is this Schottky diode? Comment this way? Où utiliser?

In this video, I will explain to in detail the structure, working principle and places of use of Schottky diode, which we can encounter in communication circuits, power circuits and many other places. At the end of the video, you will have access to a lot of information about this diode. Normal diodes cannot respond to the reversal of the applied voltage at very high frequencies.

In other words, they cannot change from a conductive state to an insulating state or from an insulating state to a conductive state. Schottky diodes are produced to be used in computers, RF and rectifier applications that need high switching speed in order to respond to these rapid changes.

Application of the diodes, in this tutoriel, in our exams, comment on the diodes function, or the devices they use, for the different types of devices. We examine the diodes in the red dress shirts and a complete plug to convert the current quotation into the continuum courant.

This diode is a semi-conductor polarized that does not pass the current in one direction. The senses of branchement of the diode donc une importance on the function of the electronic circuit puisque si elle est branchée à l''envers, elle va blocker the passage du courant.

Regard the required scheme to comprendre the diode function. There are more possible values ​​for the diode and these values ​​depending on tensions and tension supports. This function may be compared to the hydraulic system. In effect, the diode is an anti-retour clapet in a hydraulic system. The water circle is in one direction, but if the water circle is in the opposite direction, it will be blocked by the cloth.

When you choose a diode, there are three main characters that you want to write to the account. The beginning is the maximum voltage in reverse (reverse voltage in English) that can support the diode. This don't let us save money if it supports the tension when the current circuit in the diode's inverse sensor. This important feature is supported by the current policy (Forward current in England). This is not due to the possibility of loss of the diode that will be used by the user, as there are chances of a rise in it. The current characteristic is the tension consumed by the diode. In effect, the diode is not completely parfaite and a minimal tension that does not come in contact with the device. The standard value we don't use at this time is 700 mV. In contrast, there are different functions of the screen consumed by the diode and this connection can be easier to use in the fiches and graphic techniques.

Many functions are connected to the diodes. On s'en sert pour transformer un courant alternatif en courant continu. The diodes are placed in all AC/DC transformers. He faut use the diode appropriée in the application envisage function. For security reasons, the diodes are capable of supporting 2 points of tension and entry. For example, if a diode plug is connected to a 120V transformer, then the 1N4004 diode is connected to a higher altitude. For more information on the changeover of the current current to the current current, consult the sujet “AC to DC”. For more information on the changeover of the current current to a continuous current, allez voir AC to DC.

One second application certainement of the diode of the libre. When there are inductive elements in electronic circuits, there are important tension variations that can prevent the components from entering. For example, when an interruptor or a transistor is installed on a composant inductor, the transistor can be easily plugged in because it connects to another device. Étant donné that the inductive force increases the current variations, when the transistor is inserted into the device, a voltage accumulator is carried by the pipe at the end of the dixaines at the same time as the centimeter of volts. This tension can be increased to facilitate the transistor that does not support the tension. Once there is a replacement, there is a diode in the inverse au borne by the composant inductif (that is, the light of the diode in the street), the cell that feeds the energy on the energy in the same way in the tension circuit in the diode, which can agitate. This is an infinity boucle.

Another application for using the diode to avoid different sources of tension in the same circuit. In effect, this use of the diode is often used when using an alimentation secteur and a battery in the electrical coupling case. A diode is placed on the alimentation cable, allowing the alimentation to be non-affected at the end and that the alimentation does not cause tension.It is superior to the circuit. For example, there is a 12V alimentation circuit and a 9V battery. Lorsque the alimentation section is present, elle predominant on the battery puisque the tension is superior. In contrast, when it comes to an electrical connection, the battery has a different cell that supports it. The source d'alimentation on the circuit is at 0V and the battery is at 9V, this is the battery connected to the circuit. It does not cause the tension to be borne by the diode. The voltage at the regulator's entrée can either be 11.3V or 8.3V.

 What is this Schottky diode? Comment this way? Où utiliser?

In this video, I will explain to in detail the structure, working principle and places of use of Schottky diode, which we can encounter in communication circuits, power circuits and many other places. At the end of the video, you will have access to a lot of information about this diode. Normal diodes cannot respond to the reversal of the applied voltage at very high frequencies.

In other words, they cannot change from a conductive state to an insulating state or from an insulating state to a conductive state. Schottky diodes are produced to be used in computers, RF and rectifier applications that need high switching speed in order to respond to these rapid changes.

Application of the diodes, in this tutoriel, in our exams, comment on the diodes function, or the devices they use, for the different types of devices. We examine the diodes in the red dress shirts and a complete plug to convert the current quotation into the continuum courant.

This diode is a semi-conductor polarized that does not pass the current in one direction. The senses of branchement of the diode donc une importance on the function of the electronic circuit puisque si elle est branchée à l''envers, elle va blocker the passage du courant.

Regard the required scheme to comprendre the diode function. There are more possible values ​​for the diode and these values ​​depending on tensions and tension supports. This function may be compared to the hydraulic system. In effect, the diode is an anti-retour clapet in a hydraulic system. The water circle is in one direction, but if the water circle is in the opposite direction, it will be blocked by the cloth.

When you choose a diode, there are three main characters that you want to write to the account. The beginning is the maximum voltage in reverse (reverse voltage in English) that can support the diode. This don't let us save money if it supports the tension when the current circuit in the diode's inverse sensor. This important feature is supported by the current policy (Forward current in England). This is not due to the possibility of loss of the diode that will be used by the user, as there are chances of a rise in it. The current characteristic is the tension consumed by the diode. In effect, the diode is not completely parfaite and a minimal tension that does not come in contact with the device. The standard value we don't use at this time is 700 mV. In contrast, there are different functions of the screen consumed by the diode and this connection can be easier to use in the fiches and graphic techniques.

Many functions are connected to the diodes. On s'en sert pour transformer un courant alternatif en courant continu. The diodes are placed in all AC/DC transformers. He faut use the diode appropriée in the application envisage function. For security reasons, the diodes are capable of supporting 2 points of tension and entry. For example, if a diode plug is connected to a 120V transformer, then the 1N4004 diode is connected to a higher altitude. For more information on the changeover of the current current to the current current, consult the sujet “AC to DC”. For more information on the changeover of the current current to a continuous current, allez voir AC to DC.

One second application certainement of the diode of the libre. When there are inductive elements in electronic circuits, there are important tension variations that can prevent the components from entering. For example, when an interruptor or a transistor is installed on a composant inductor, the transistor can be easily plugged in because it connects to another device. Étant donné that the inductive force increases the current variations, when the transistor is inserted into the device, a voltage accumulator is carried by the pipe at the end of the dixaines at the same time as the centimeter of volts. This tension can be increased to facilitate the transistor that does not support the tension. Once there is a replacement, there is a diode in the inverse au borne by the composant inductif (that is, the light of the diode in the street), the cell that feeds the energy on the energy in the same way in the tension circuit in the diode, which can agitate. This is an infinity boucle.

Another application for using the diode to avoid different sources of tension in the same circuit. In effect, this use of the diode is often used when using an alimentation secteur and a battery in the electrical coupling case. A diode is placed on the alimentation cable, allowing the alimentation to be non-affected at the end and that the alimentation does not cause tension.It is superior to the circuit. For example, there is a 12V alimentation circuit and a 9V battery. Lorsque the alimentation section is present, elle predominant on the battery puisque the tension is superior. In contrast, when it comes to an electrical connection, the battery has a different cell that supports it. The source d'alimentation on the circuit is at 0V and the battery is at 9V, this is the battery connected to the circuit. It does not cause the tension to be borne by the diode. The voltage at the regulator's entrée can either be 11.3V or 8.3V.

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