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Sunday, January 14, 2024

on video How to Make Timer With Sensor Wiring Diagram | timer motor control circuit

How to Make Timer With Sensor Wiring Diagram | timer motor control circuit

This video shows How to Make Timer With Sensor Wiring Diagram. timer motor control circuit. This diagram is very simple and easy to make. If you want to know more about this circuit please watch our full video. If you want to learn about electrical, electronic, and robotic please check our video playlist.

In the era of technologies, everyone is taking the help of machines to simplify their life. Timer circuits ease your day to day tasks in many ways by initiating or doing it in a definite time interval. In other words, if you are looking for an automated device to work for a certain time period and switch off after the desired time then this Timer Circuit is the best choice to opt.

In this project, we are using 555 Timer IC to create various timer circuits like 1 min timer circuit, 5 min timer circuit, 10 min timer circuit, and 15 min timer circuit. Here, with the help of the 555 timer IC, we eliminate the need of manually switching ON or OFF the device. Also, 555 Timer is used to generate an oscillating pulse. Which means that the output pin3 of 555 Timer IC is in “OFF” condition for some time and again comes in “ON” condition after a pre-set time interval. We can use this oscillating behavior of 555 Timer IC to create the timer circuit of different time delays. To create the timer circuit for the desired time interval, simply change the value of the resistor R1 or Capacitor C1.

We can use the different timer circuits of a different time delay to operate an alarm, a device, motors, etc. at a certain time interval. The main role in this circuit is played by the 555 Timer IC. We will be discussing all the four-timer circuits (1Min, 5Min, 10Min and 15Min timer) one by one throughout this article. Before that let’s take a brief idea of the 555 Timer IC.

Related Post: How to Make a Simple LED Flashing Circuit using 555 Timer IC

555 Timer IC

555 Timer IC is used in timer, pulse generation, and oscillator applications. 555 Timer IC can be mainly configured in three different states namely A-Stable multi-vibrator, Mono-Stable multi-vibrator, and Bi-Stable multi-vibrator.

Let’s see the internal circuitry of the 555 Timer IC to get a better idea of its working principle:

There are three 5K ohm resistors connected together internally. This produces a voltage divider network at Pin 8 and Pin 1. The two comparators produce an output voltage that depends upon the voltage difference at their input. The voltage difference is determined by the externally connected RC network. The output of both the comparators is connected to the input of flip-flop to produce either a “High” or “Low” logic output based on the states of Input. The output from flip flop can be used to control a high current output switching stage to drive the connected load producing High or Low level at the output pin.

Related Post: Simple Touch Sensitive Switch Circuit using 555 Timer

Pinouts of 555 Timer IC:

Pin 1- Ground


Pin3- Output


Pin5- Control voltage


Pin7- Discharge

Pin8- Power Supply (4.5- 15V)

Applications of 555 timer IC:

555 Timer IC is a useful precision timing device that produces single pulses or as an oscillator producing a string of stabilized waveform of any particular duty cycles.

It can be used in one-shot or delay timers to produce a time delay.

It can be used in LED or flash lamps to turn the lamp on for a specified time.

IT can be used in tone generation or logic clocks

It can be used in power supplies and converters etcThe above circuit diagram is for the 1-minute timer circuit. For 5 min, 10 min and 15 min you just have to change the resistor value (R1).

1 Minute Timer Circuit:

We have to configure 555 Timer in Mono-Stable mode to build a timer. The 555 Timer starts timing when switched ON. After one minute of time duration, the LED will automatically turn ON. 

How to Make Timer With Sensor Wiring Diagram | timer motor control circuit

This video shows How to Make Timer With Sensor Wiring Diagram. timer motor control circuit. This diagram is very simple and easy to make. If you want to know more about this circuit please watch our full video. If you want to learn about electrical, electronic, and robotic please check our video playlist.

In the era of technologies, everyone is taking the help of machines to simplify their life. Timer circuits ease your day to day tasks in many ways by initiating or doing it in a definite time interval. In other words, if you are looking for an automated device to work for a certain time period and switch off after the desired time then this Timer Circuit is the best choice to opt.

In this project, we are using 555 Timer IC to create various timer circuits like 1 min timer circuit, 5 min timer circuit, 10 min timer circuit, and 15 min timer circuit. Here, with the help of the 555 timer IC, we eliminate the need of manually switching ON or OFF the device. Also, 555 Timer is used to generate an oscillating pulse. Which means that the output pin3 of 555 Timer IC is in “OFF” condition for some time and again comes in “ON” condition after a pre-set time interval. We can use this oscillating behavior of 555 Timer IC to create the timer circuit of different time delays. To create the timer circuit for the desired time interval, simply change the value of the resistor R1 or Capacitor C1.

We can use the different timer circuits of a different time delay to operate an alarm, a device, motors, etc. at a certain time interval. The main role in this circuit is played by the 555 Timer IC. We will be discussing all the four-timer circuits (1Min, 5Min, 10Min and 15Min timer) one by one throughout this article. Before that let’s take a brief idea of the 555 Timer IC.

Related Post: How to Make a Simple LED Flashing Circuit using 555 Timer IC

555 Timer IC

555 Timer IC is used in timer, pulse generation, and oscillator applications. 555 Timer IC can be mainly configured in three different states namely A-Stable multi-vibrator, Mono-Stable multi-vibrator, and Bi-Stable multi-vibrator.

Let’s see the internal circuitry of the 555 Timer IC to get a better idea of its working principle:

There are three 5K ohm resistors connected together internally. This produces a voltage divider network at Pin 8 and Pin 1. The two comparators produce an output voltage that depends upon the voltage difference at their input. The voltage difference is determined by the externally connected RC network. The output of both the comparators is connected to the input of flip-flop to produce either a “High” or “Low” logic output based on the states of Input. The output from flip flop can be used to control a high current output switching stage to drive the connected load producing High or Low level at the output pin.

Related Post: Simple Touch Sensitive Switch Circuit using 555 Timer

Pinouts of 555 Timer IC:

Pin 1- Ground


Pin3- Output


Pin5- Control voltage


Pin7- Discharge

Pin8- Power Supply (4.5- 15V)

Applications of 555 timer IC:

555 Timer IC is a useful precision timing device that produces single pulses or as an oscillator producing a string of stabilized waveform of any particular duty cycles.

It can be used in one-shot or delay timers to produce a time delay.

It can be used in LED or flash lamps to turn the lamp on for a specified time.

IT can be used in tone generation or logic clocks

It can be used in power supplies and converters etcThe above circuit diagram is for the 1-minute timer circuit. For 5 min, 10 min and 15 min you just have to change the resistor value (R1).

1 Minute Timer Circuit:

We have to configure 555 Timer in Mono-Stable mode to build a timer. The 555 Timer starts timing when switched ON. After one minute of time duration, the LED will automatically turn ON. 

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