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Monday, December 25, 2023

on video How To Make 220 Volt 10 KW Free Energy Generator At Home

 How To Make 220 Volt 10 KW Free Energy Generator At Home

Hi viewers welcome to my channel multi electro today we are making here 10 kw 220 volt free energy generator with 10 kw magnetic 220 volt 1450 rpm generator and 2 hp 1450 rpm 220 volt motor new experiment of a making free energy at home.

How to make a free energy generator at home without battery is an ambitious project which will have more that one part currently I am waiting for parts to improve this free energy generator in the video at the end of this tutorial you will see measurements output and all you will need to build this free energy device.Warning the output at this moment is 0.7w but it can be improved to the point that you will be able to charge your phone and in the part3 you will be able to run light charge a battery and charge your phone and run a radio so you will be set for any emergency power out storm or when the main will fail.

The thermoelectric effect is the direct conversion of temperature differences to electric voltage

and vice versa. A thermoelectric device creates a voltage when there is a different temperature on each side. Conversely, when a voltage is applied to it, it creates a temperature difference. At the atomic scale, an applied temperature gradient causes charge carriers in the material to diffuse from the hot side to the cold side.

This effect can be used to generate electricity, measure temperature or change the temperature of objects. Because the direction of heating and cooling is determined by the polarity of the applied voltage, thermoelectric devices can be used as temperature controllers.

The metallic pen holder is used for suspending the radiators and providing some heat dissipation to protect the wires from overheating.To run this generator we will use tea candle which is normally 1£/20pieces so the cost of one candle is around 0.05£ and this Generator can run approx 4h depending on the quality of the candle.

At this moment the output is 1.5v/0.4A after adjusting the distance from the flame to the small radiator.

And because it is a small free energy generator we will need a dc=dc boost converter to step up the voltage

but more improvements on the part2 till then enjoy the video and post comments to make it better...

The Seebeck effect is the conversion of heat directly into electricity at the junction of different types of wire. It is named after the Baltic German physicist Thomas Johann Seebeck,

who in 1821 discovered that a compass needle would be deflected by a closed loop formed by two different metals joined in two places, with a temperature difference between the joints.

To connect the Peltier module you have to connect first to a 12v battery and observe which side is getting cold and hot, after this we will apply heat to the hot side and the big aluminum radiator to the cold side, we can place a fan on the cold side to improve the output.

 How To Make 220 Volt 10 KW Free Energy Generator At Home

Hi viewers welcome to my channel multi electro today we are making here 10 kw 220 volt free energy generator with 10 kw magnetic 220 volt 1450 rpm generator and 2 hp 1450 rpm 220 volt motor new experiment of a making free energy at home.

How to make a free energy generator at home without battery is an ambitious project which will have more that one part currently I am waiting for parts to improve this free energy generator in the video at the end of this tutorial you will see measurements output and all you will need to build this free energy device.Warning the output at this moment is 0.7w but it can be improved to the point that you will be able to charge your phone and in the part3 you will be able to run light charge a battery and charge your phone and run a radio so you will be set for any emergency power out storm or when the main will fail.

The thermoelectric effect is the direct conversion of temperature differences to electric voltage

and vice versa. A thermoelectric device creates a voltage when there is a different temperature on each side. Conversely, when a voltage is applied to it, it creates a temperature difference. At the atomic scale, an applied temperature gradient causes charge carriers in the material to diffuse from the hot side to the cold side.

This effect can be used to generate electricity, measure temperature or change the temperature of objects. Because the direction of heating and cooling is determined by the polarity of the applied voltage, thermoelectric devices can be used as temperature controllers.

The metallic pen holder is used for suspending the radiators and providing some heat dissipation to protect the wires from overheating.To run this generator we will use tea candle which is normally 1£/20pieces so the cost of one candle is around 0.05£ and this Generator can run approx 4h depending on the quality of the candle.

At this moment the output is 1.5v/0.4A after adjusting the distance from the flame to the small radiator.

And because it is a small free energy generator we will need a dc=dc boost converter to step up the voltage

but more improvements on the part2 till then enjoy the video and post comments to make it better...

The Seebeck effect is the conversion of heat directly into electricity at the junction of different types of wire. It is named after the Baltic German physicist Thomas Johann Seebeck,

who in 1821 discovered that a compass needle would be deflected by a closed loop formed by two different metals joined in two places, with a temperature difference between the joints.

To connect the Peltier module you have to connect first to a 12v battery and observe which side is getting cold and hot, after this we will apply heat to the hot side and the big aluminum radiator to the cold side, we can place a fan on the cold side to improve the output.

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