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Thursday, December 7, 2023

4G, 5G Mobile Network And calling Signal Detector Circuit

 4G, 5G Mobile Network And calling Signal Detector Circuit

DIY 220v AC regulator circuit diagram, AC voltage adjustable controller.

(220v AC motor speed controller)

Components used in this project:-

1. BT136 Triac (SCR)

2. 500K potentiometer

3. Diac

4. 15K 1w resistor

5. 0.1uf/400V X-rated cap.

2g,3g,4g,5g mobile signal network are jamming this circuit, don't misuse public place and anywhere

components list:-

555 Timer IC

Resistors – 220Ω x 2, 5.6KΩ, 6.8KΩ, 10KΩ, 82KΩ, 3.9kΩ

Capacitors – 2pF, 3.3pF, 4.7pF, 47pF, 0.1µF, 4.7µF, 47µF, 1µF,

30pF Trimmer Capacitor


L1 - Coils 3 Turn 24 AWG,

L2 - 4 Turn 24 AWG

Antenna 15 Turn 24 AWG

BF495 Transistor

ON/OFF Switch

9V Battery

In this video it shows how to detect the mobile network which your Android phone is using.

It uses getDataNetworkType method of the TelephonyManager class to get the network type being currently available on the Android Phone.

Below is the list of the return values from the getDataNetworkType method. In our code using switch case, we have classified them for 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G network types.

This method needs the permission to READ_PHONE_STATE from the user, so respective permission checks are added in the java code and Manifest file of the project.

 4G, 5G Mobile Network And calling Signal Detector Circuit

DIY 220v AC regulator circuit diagram, AC voltage adjustable controller.

(220v AC motor speed controller)

Components used in this project:-

1. BT136 Triac (SCR)

2. 500K potentiometer

3. Diac

4. 15K 1w resistor

5. 0.1uf/400V X-rated cap.

2g,3g,4g,5g mobile signal network are jamming this circuit, don't misuse public place and anywhere

components list:-

555 Timer IC

Resistors – 220Ω x 2, 5.6KΩ, 6.8KΩ, 10KΩ, 82KΩ, 3.9kΩ

Capacitors – 2pF, 3.3pF, 4.7pF, 47pF, 0.1µF, 4.7µF, 47µF, 1µF,

30pF Trimmer Capacitor


L1 - Coils 3 Turn 24 AWG,

L2 - 4 Turn 24 AWG

Antenna 15 Turn 24 AWG

BF495 Transistor

ON/OFF Switch

9V Battery

In this video it shows how to detect the mobile network which your Android phone is using.

It uses getDataNetworkType method of the TelephonyManager class to get the network type being currently available on the Android Phone.

Below is the list of the return values from the getDataNetworkType method. In our code using switch case, we have classified them for 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G network types.

This method needs the permission to READ_PHONE_STATE from the user, so respective permission checks are added in the java code and Manifest file of the project.

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