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Thursday, September 7, 2023

on video Star-delta starter with motor reversing option

 Star-delta starter with motor reversing option

An asynchronous motor has a high torque and can absorb 4 to 8 times its rated current when starting, which risks causing disturbances on the electrical network.

To reduce this current draw, we use one of the starting processes for reduced voltage motors ‘star/delta starting’,

This startup procedure is carried out in two stages:

- 1st stage: power-up and star coupling of the windings. Motor starts at reduced voltage

- 2nd stage: removal of star coupling and implementation of triangle coupling. The motor is powered at full voltage.

The principle of direct starting is to start an electric motor using a push button and to switch it off using another push button. The motor turns in one direction only.

 Star-delta starter with motor reversing option

An asynchronous motor has a high torque and can absorb 4 to 8 times its rated current when starting, which risks causing disturbances on the electrical network.

To reduce this current draw, we use one of the starting processes for reduced voltage motors ‘star/delta starting’,

This startup procedure is carried out in two stages:

- 1st stage: power-up and star coupling of the windings. Motor starts at reduced voltage

- 2nd stage: removal of star coupling and implementation of triangle coupling. The motor is powered at full voltage.

The principle of direct starting is to start an electric motor using a push button and to switch it off using another push button. The motor turns in one direction only.

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