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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

on video battery connection parallel and series

Series, Parallel & Series-Parallel Configuration of Batteries

Introduction to Batteries Connections

One may think what is the purpose of series, parallel or series-parallel connections of batteries or which is the right configuration to charge storage, battery bank system, off grid system or solar panel installation. Well, It depends on the system requirement i.e. to increase the voltages by series connection of batteries, battery ampere hours (as batteries are rated in Ah instead of Amperes) or simply the current or power of batteries by connecting the batteries in parallel or series-parallel to maintain the system according to your needs . If you need to know how to do it, read the following step by step tutorial about primary (non-rechargeable like AAA cells) and secondary (rechargeable like Lead Acid, Nickel Cadmium, Nickel Metal Hydride, Lithium-Ion etc) batteries configuration.

We received some confusing circuits about the topic and they ask if the batteries connections are in series, parallel or series-parallel and which one they go for?. So we will discuss the series, parallel and series parallel connection of batteries in details with schematic diagrams and applications.

Series Connection of Batteries

If we connect the positive (+) terminal of the battery to negative (-) and negative to positive terminal as shown in the below fig, then the batteries configuration would be in series.

Good to know:

In series connection of batteries, current is the same in each wire or section while voltage is different i.e. Voltages are additive e.g.

When We Need & How to Connect Batteries in Series?

When you need to double the voltage level according to your system needs while maintaining the same capacity or ampere hour (Ah) rating of batteries.

For example, If you have two 12V, 200Ah hour batteries and you need 24V system for installation. Simply, connect both of the batteries in series where you will get 24V and the same ampere hour rating i.e. 200Ah.

Keep in mind that battery discharges slowly in series connection as compared to parallel battery connection.

You can do it with any number of batteries i.e. to get 36V, 48V, 72V DC and so on by connecting batteries in series.

This system is used in different solar panel installations and other applications.

Related Post: Types of Batteries and Cells and Their Applications

Parallel Connection of Batteries

If we connect the positive terminal (+) of battery to positive and negative (-) to negative terminal. Then the batteries configuration would be in parallel.

When We Need & How to Connect Batteries in Parallel?

When you need to double the battery capacity or ampere hours (Ah) rating according to your system needs while maintaining the same level of voltages.

For example, If you have two 12V, 200Ah hour batteries and you need 12V system for installation. Simply, connect both of the batteries in parallel where the overall battery capacity would be 400Ah and the same voltage level i.e. 12V.

Keep in mind that battery discharges quickly in parallel as compared to series battery connection.

You can do it with any number of batteries i.e. to get the same level of voltage while increasing the battery capacity in ampere hours in parallel battery connection.

Series-Parallel Connection of Batteries

If we connect two pairs of two batteries in series and then connect these series connected batteries in parallel, then this configuration of batteries would be called series-parallel connection of batteries.

In other words, It is series, nor parallel circuit, but known as series-parallel circuit. Some of the components are in series and others are in parallel or complex circuit of series and parallel connected devices and batteries.

When We Need & How to Connect Batteries in Series-Parallel?

When you need to double the battery capacity or ampere hours (Ah) rating as well as battery voltages according to your system needs.

For example, If you have six batteries each of 12V, 200Ah hour and you need 600Ah capacity and 24V system for installation. Now you have two sets of three batteries, simply, connect two sets of three batteries in series and then connect the two set in parallel (as shown in fig above) where the overall battery capacity would be 600Ah and level of voltages would be 24V.

You can do it with any number of batteries i.e. to get different level of voltages as well as increase the battery capacity in ampere hours in series-parallel connection of batteries.

This system is used in different solar panel installations and other applications.

Comparison of Series, Parallel & Series-Parallel Connection

The given table below would show the main difference between series and parallel connection.


Series, Parallel & Series-Parallel Configuration of Batteries

Introduction to Batteries Connections

One may think what is the purpose of series, parallel or series-parallel connections of batteries or which is the right configuration to charge storage, battery bank system, off grid system or solar panel installation. Well, It depends on the system requirement i.e. to increase the voltages by series connection of batteries, battery ampere hours (as batteries are rated in Ah instead of Amperes) or simply the current or power of batteries by connecting the batteries in parallel or series-parallel to maintain the system according to your needs . If you need to know how to do it, read the following step by step tutorial about primary (non-rechargeable like AAA cells) and secondary (rechargeable like Lead Acid, Nickel Cadmium, Nickel Metal Hydride, Lithium-Ion etc) batteries configuration.

We received some confusing circuits about the topic and they ask if the batteries connections are in series, parallel or series-parallel and which one they go for?. So we will discuss the series, parallel and series parallel connection of batteries in details with schematic diagrams and applications.

Series Connection of Batteries

If we connect the positive (+) terminal of the battery to negative (-) and negative to positive terminal as shown in the below fig, then the batteries configuration would be in series.

Good to know:

In series connection of batteries, current is the same in each wire or section while voltage is different i.e. Voltages are additive e.g.

When We Need & How to Connect Batteries in Series?

When you need to double the voltage level according to your system needs while maintaining the same capacity or ampere hour (Ah) rating of batteries.

For example, If you have two 12V, 200Ah hour batteries and you need 24V system for installation. Simply, connect both of the batteries in series where you will get 24V and the same ampere hour rating i.e. 200Ah.

Keep in mind that battery discharges slowly in series connection as compared to parallel battery connection.

You can do it with any number of batteries i.e. to get 36V, 48V, 72V DC and so on by connecting batteries in series.

This system is used in different solar panel installations and other applications.

Related Post: Types of Batteries and Cells and Their Applications

Parallel Connection of Batteries

If we connect the positive terminal (+) of battery to positive and negative (-) to negative terminal. Then the batteries configuration would be in parallel.

When We Need & How to Connect Batteries in Parallel?

When you need to double the battery capacity or ampere hours (Ah) rating according to your system needs while maintaining the same level of voltages.

For example, If you have two 12V, 200Ah hour batteries and you need 12V system for installation. Simply, connect both of the batteries in parallel where the overall battery capacity would be 400Ah and the same voltage level i.e. 12V.

Keep in mind that battery discharges quickly in parallel as compared to series battery connection.

You can do it with any number of batteries i.e. to get the same level of voltage while increasing the battery capacity in ampere hours in parallel battery connection.

Series-Parallel Connection of Batteries

If we connect two pairs of two batteries in series and then connect these series connected batteries in parallel, then this configuration of batteries would be called series-parallel connection of batteries.

In other words, It is series, nor parallel circuit, but known as series-parallel circuit. Some of the components are in series and others are in parallel or complex circuit of series and parallel connected devices and batteries.

When We Need & How to Connect Batteries in Series-Parallel?

When you need to double the battery capacity or ampere hours (Ah) rating as well as battery voltages according to your system needs.

For example, If you have six batteries each of 12V, 200Ah hour and you need 600Ah capacity and 24V system for installation. Now you have two sets of three batteries, simply, connect two sets of three batteries in series and then connect the two set in parallel (as shown in fig above) where the overall battery capacity would be 600Ah and level of voltages would be 24V.

You can do it with any number of batteries i.e. to get different level of voltages as well as increase the battery capacity in ampere hours in series-parallel connection of batteries.

This system is used in different solar panel installations and other applications.

Comparison of Series, Parallel & Series-Parallel Connection

The given table below would show the main difference between series and parallel connection.


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