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Saturday, August 12, 2023

on video single phase motor control from 3 places

 single phase motor control from 3 places

single phase water pump a single phase pump runs on a single phase power supply. three phase water pump a three phase motor water pump needs three phase power supply. it has a simple design with small body size it can be highly efficient with high starting torque.

why magnetic contactor is used

Magnetic contactors are used in the electric motors to balance the change in frequency of the motor or the state of the motor which can be termed as the switching of the motor from on and off state. magnetic contactors act as a safeguard to protect the power supply and the motor.

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 single phase motor control from 3 places

single phase water pump a single phase pump runs on a single phase power supply. three phase water pump a three phase motor water pump needs three phase power supply. it has a simple design with small body size it can be highly efficient with high starting torque.

why magnetic contactor is used

Magnetic contactors are used in the electric motors to balance the change in frequency of the motor or the state of the motor which can be termed as the switching of the motor from on and off state. magnetic contactors act as a safeguard to protect the power supply and the motor.

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