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Tuesday, June 6, 2023

on video How to Drive Hard disk BLDC Moter by Manmohan Pal

  i will tell you about reusing your old Damaged computer Hard drive Moter, how to remote moter from Hard disk drive and run it using ESC and servo tester, it is a High RPM (7200 to 10,000 RPM) moter, although it have less torque but still can fulfill  many purposes,

In this part of video I will tell you about how to run hard disk BLDC moter using Arduino without using ESC controller, in place of ESC controller we will use L293 Moter driver IC, since BLDC moter is 3 Phase DC Moter we will use any 3 outputs of IC L293 and switch their inputs using Arduino one by one, 

Items Required

1) Hard disk moter

2) L293 Moter driver

3) Ardino Nano

4) Fan Propeller

  i will tell you about reusing your old Damaged computer Hard drive Moter, how to remote moter from Hard disk drive and run it using ESC and servo tester, it is a High RPM (7200 to 10,000 RPM) moter, although it have less torque but still can fulfill  many purposes,

In this part of video I will tell you about how to run hard disk BLDC moter using Arduino without using ESC controller, in place of ESC controller we will use L293 Moter driver IC, since BLDC moter is 3 Phase DC Moter we will use any 3 outputs of IC L293 and switch their inputs using Arduino one by one, 

Items Required

1) Hard disk moter

2) L293 Moter driver

3) Ardino Nano

4) Fan Propeller

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