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Tuesday, January 10, 2023

on video Airbags – How do they work?

 Airbags – How do they work?

During an impact, it is a sensor present in the car which will have to measure the deceleration of the vehicle in order to transmit the information to an electronic box. The latter will then determine, taking into account the measurement data, whether an electrical signal should be sent to the airbags or not.

In the event of a rapid deceleration caused by a collision, the alert is transmitted to the gas generator which fills the airbag by explosion and release of compressed gases. The safety bag then deflates under the pressure of the body in order to avoid a rebound effect. This has the advantage of then making it easier for the user to move around the passenger compartment, especially during the intervention of the emergency services.

The different types of airbags

 Airbags – How do they work?

During an impact, it is a sensor present in the car which will have to measure the deceleration of the vehicle in order to transmit the information to an electronic box. The latter will then determine, taking into account the measurement data, whether an electrical signal should be sent to the airbags or not.

In the event of a rapid deceleration caused by a collision, the alert is transmitted to the gas generator which fills the airbag by explosion and release of compressed gases. The safety bag then deflates under the pressure of the body in order to avoid a rebound effect. This has the advantage of then making it easier for the user to move around the passenger compartment, especially during the intervention of the emergency services.

The different types of airbags

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