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Saturday, October 15, 2022

on vidio Tunnel Wiring Connection Diagram / Explained with Circuit Diagram / Tunnel Light Wiring

 Tunnel wiring circuit is used in open ended corridors and short tunnels like structures. In tunnel wring circuit diagram, we have used SPDT two way switches to control the lighting points in tunnels and corridors. The tunnel circuit control the lamps in four ways as follow.

What is tunnel lighting

The primary objectives of tunnel lighting is to ensure traffic safety by illuminating all important objects during the journey of vehicles, and to improve visibility and comfort. Proper lighting in road tunnels will ensure that traffic can enter, pass through and leave the tunnel with a great level of safety.

 Tunnel wiring circuit is used in open ended corridors and short tunnels like structures. In tunnel wring circuit diagram, we have used SPDT two way switches to control the lighting points in tunnels and corridors. The tunnel circuit control the lamps in four ways as follow.

What is tunnel lighting

The primary objectives of tunnel lighting is to ensure traffic safety by illuminating all important objects during the journey of vehicles, and to improve visibility and comfort. Proper lighting in road tunnels will ensure that traffic can enter, pass through and leave the tunnel with a great level of safety.

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